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McKenzie Seed – Cabbage Early Copenhagen Market

Gravel/Soil/Mulch Estimator

McKenzie Seed – Cabbage Early Copenhagen Market


Early Copenhagen Cabbage is one of the largest early producing cabbages. Wonderfully formed heads weigh in at 1-1.5 kg (2-3 lbs) at maturity. It is just as popular for cooking as it is for fresh eating, and stores very well, too. This variety is an established favorite among gardeners that will continue to be loved over time for its consistent production and superb taste. *After transplanting to garden.



Plant Type: Vegetable

Flavor: Crisp with a hint of spice

Preparation Ideas: Use this cabbage as a base for coleslaw.

Days to Germination: 7 to 10 days

Days to Maturity: 65 to 70 days

Planting Depth: 1.3 cm (1/2″)

Instructions: Start seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last killing frost in the spring. When 4 inches tall, transplant outside. Or, sow directly outdoors after the danger of frost. Place 2-3 seeds together every 1 1/2 feet. Thin to one plant every 1 1/2 feet when seedlings are 2 inches tall.

Suggestions: A cool weather vegetable, plant near tomatoes and celery to help repel cabbage worms. Small collars placed around young plants deter cutworms.

Product Weight: 1.7 grams