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Navarro Paver Barkman Concrete

Gravel/Soil/Mulch Estimator

Navarro Paver Barkman Concrete

Barkman Concrete Navarro’s unique weathered surface unlocks memories of a seaside resort. At 3 1/8? thick, the Barkman Concrete Navarro paver can withstand heavy traffic in any application and features a built-in paver spacer that allows for easy installation with a uniform finish.

All three sizes come on a single pallet.

Installation Tips

The use of a Paver Saver Mat between the paver surface and plate compactor is recommended. Polybind Complete G2 Polymeric Sand is recommended for commercial applications.


Additional information


12.05 X 12.05 X 3.15 IN, 12.05 X 18.07 X 3.15 IN, 12.05 X 6.02 X 3.15 IN


Charcoal, Sierra Grey


Pedestrian, Light Vehicular