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Leucanthemum Superbum Snowcap – 1 Gallon

Gravel/Soil/Mulch Estimator

Leucanthemum Superbum Snowcap – 1 Gallon



12.0-15.0 Inches


12.0 Inches

Hardiness Zones:


Flower Color:

White Shades

Foliage Color:

Green shades


Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)

Water Requirements:

Low Water NeedsAverage Water Needs

Soil Quality:

Average Soil QualityFertile Soil Quality

Soil Chemistry:

Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0)Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0)


Early SummerMidsummerLate Summer

Attracts Wings:

Attracts Butterflies



An outstanding cultivar! Pure white, 2-3″ single flowers are produced in abundance atop bushy mounds of foliage. ‘Snowcap’ has sturdy, uniform habit. Due to its compact nature, it tolerates the weather (wind, rain, etc.) better than other Shastas.

‘Snowcap’ was introduced in the United States by Wayside Gardens in conjunction with English plantsman, Alan Bloom.

Shasta Daisies are all-time favorites for the perennial border. The cheery flowers begin to appear in early summer and continue on for several months if faithfully deadheaded. Shastas mix so effortlessly with other perennials that no garden should be without them!