Best grown in moist, humusy, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Established plants tolerate some dry conditions. Best in sunny locations, but this species is more shade-tolerant than many other species of Iris. Divide in late summer as needed.
Iris pallida is commonly known as Dalmatian iris because it is native to Dalmatia, a province of Croatia. It is also native to the southern Alps. It is a rhizomatous bearded iris that features sword-shaped, grey-green leaves (to 24” long) and sweetly fragrant, pale lavender-blue flowers with yellow beards. Flowers (3-5” across) appear in late spring to early summer atop sparsely-branched scapes rising to 40” tall. Spathes are white and papery. The species is sometimes cultivated as a source of orris (an essential oil extracted from the rhizomes), which is used as a preservative in perfumes, breath fresheners, and spirits. Also commonly known as sweet iris, orris or orris root.