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Hemerocallis Lavender Baby Blue – 1 Gallon

Gravel/Soil/Mulch Estimator

Hemerocallis Lavender Baby Blue – 1 Gallon



28.0 Inches


18.0-24.0 Inches

Hardiness Zones:


Flower Color:

Purple-blue shades

Foliage Color:

Green shades


Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)Part Shade (4-6 hrs. Direct Sun)

Water Requirements:

Low Water NeedsAverage Water Needs

Soil Quality:

Poor Soil QualityAverage Soil QualityFertile Soil Quality

Soil Chemistry:

Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0)Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0)Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)


MidsummerLate SummerRebloomer

Attracts Wings:

Attracts ButterfliesAttracts Hummingbirds



A one-of-a-kind beauty! 5″, incredibly recurved lavender purple petals have a pronounced lavender blue eye. The two colors complement each other beautifully, and they practically glow in the sun.

Daylilies can survive many harsh conditions that other plants cannot including: polluted city environments, slopes, poor and dry soils, near pavement that is salted in winter, and under Black Walnut trees (not affected by juglone).