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Alcea Ficifolia Las Vegas – 4.5″

Gravel/Soil/Mulch Estimator

Alcea Ficifolia Las Vegas – 4.5″



5.0-6.0 Feet


18.0-24.0 Inches

Hardiness Zones:


Flower Color:


Foliage Color:

Green shades


Full Sun (> 6 hrs. Direct Sun)

Water Requirements:

Average Water Needs

Soil Quality:

Average Soil QualityFertile Soil Quality

Soil Chemistry:

Acidic Soil (pH < 7.0)Neutral Soil (pH = 7.0)Alkaline Soil (pH > 7.0)


Early Summer

Attracts Wings:

Attracts ButterfliesAttracts HummingbirdsBee Friendly



“Like the bright colorful lights of Las Vegas”, this mixed color strain of fig leaf hollyhocks bears large, saucer-shaped flowers in unique shades of red, copper, chestnut brown, yellow, pink, and white over a long period beginning in early summer.

This hardy species of hollyhock has decorative lobed leaves that are borne all the way up the stems, leaving little bare stem at the base. ‘Las Vegas’ is a bit shorter than the species, standing about 5-6 feet tall in bloom.

The breeder, Jelitto, claims this new hybrid should live longer than the typical biennial hollyhocks. It is possibly hardier than zone 3.

Feel free to grow hollyhocks under Black Walnut trees; they are tolerant of the toxic juglone that is emitted through the trees’ roots.