There are multiple reasons however stress is typically an indicator of cone drop. How old is the tree? Do you see any issues with it?
Category: Ask The Gardener
Hi, I am re-paving my driveway (1050 square feet) and want to prevent weeds and grass from growing under it. My neighbours did theirs 2 years ago and either the grass or weeds pushed their driveway up and and it cracked causing the grass and weeds to grow throughout. Having your driveway paved isn’t inexpensive and should last between 7 and 10 years if well maintained. Any suggestions
I would think that a reputable contractor should be able to install a driveway without it heaving and cracking and weeds growing through. I my eyes your neighbour has a warranty claim. That however isn’t your question so on to your question. You could use an underlay called geotech. This is a think fabric and should aid in reducing any movement and will block weeds from pushing through. Good luck with the project.
I planted cultivated cedar hedge two years ago. Should I start to trim them (top and side) now or should I wait another year? I live in Timmins On
Top them now. That’ll put more growth downward into the main trunk and make for a lush hedge. My family hails from Dundas, ON.
I am running out of time to do the final cut for this year on my privit hedge. Can I safely cut it during late Autumn or Winter?
Yes, you can very safely cut it in late Autumn or Winter. In fact that’s the best time because the plant will be dormant.
Our hydrangeas after 20 yrs are no longer blooming and r lacking iron so for the past 6 seasons I have tried iron/chelate and fertilizer with no success. Is ther another shrub that loves the south that is around 5 feet, easy to maintain that would nice with shubert choke cherry trees? Thaxt
Other Full Sun shrubs, that would get about 5 feet, would include: Cistena Cherry Ninebarks (Satin Chocolate, Tiny Wine, Coppertina) Dogwood (Ivory Halo, Red Osier) Lilacs (Wonderblue, Royalty Preston) Blue Muffin Viburnum To name a few… There are lots of options that would fit those characteristics.
We are in Lake Country BC and have a Pinus Nigra tree planted in a large planter. Do we need to cover it with burlap for the winter ?
This is the response from a grower in your area. We’re in Winnipeg so I wanted to get advice from someone that is more familiar with your environment. “I would say no , the plant is Zone 4 hardy and there’s lots of snow in Lake country”
I have spread leaves over my vegetable garden. Should I rototill them into the garden now (fall) or leave them to decay over the winter and rototill them in next spring?
I would do it now and then till some manure and peat in the spring however it’s not a must. So really it’s up to you.
I planted 3 blue spruce and they grew rapidly — too big for where I put them ,so I want to transplant and am scared to. When ,and how much root ball needs to come out ? Thanks you .
Now (the winter) is a great time. The tree will be dormant and will have the best chance of survival. How big the root ball is depends on how big the tree is however the bigger the better. The less root system you disturb the better. The more roots you rip out and leave behind the more that have to re-grow and remember the root system in place has grown to support the size of the tree as it is now. So if you remove half of the root system you will have half as much root system available to sustain the canopy of the tree. So you will have to cut the tree back and then water, water & water so the roots that are left can absorb as much water as possible to support the canopy. Also using a transplanting fertilizer would help your cause 10-52-10 would be good or something akin to that with a big middle number (phosphorus).
Anita asks: I’m looking for Thailand Giants (Colocasia Gigantea), and Imperial or Illustris Elephant Ears. Do you carry these plants in the summer? Regards, Anita
Hi Anita, We bring in a large tropical plant order in early May. We have ordered Colocasia and Illustris Elephant Ears. If you are interested in these plants, let me know and I will be sure to order some for the store this season.
Hello, I have an angel trumpet to plant. Can it be planted where a tree was cut down & the stump was ground up? Thank you
Angel’s Trumpet plant can be planted in the area you are speaking of where a tree was taken out and the stump ground out. This is assuming the tree was not a Spruce variety – the needles make the soil very acidic and therefore not a good choice for the Angel’s Trumpet plant. Angel’s Trumpet is a self-seeding plant that likes the sun so please ensure that the area is not overly shaded by other trees. If it likes the area then you may find next year that there are more of them due to the self-seeding nature of the species. Thanks for a great question. Ron Paul Garden Centre